5 Step Client Attraction
STOP PASSIVELY DREAMING of attracting clients and START WORKING PRODUCTIVELY towards attaining the clients for your SUCCESS
The 5 Step Client Attraction Action Plan eBook

Bringing new clients to your business regularly is essential for success

Without clients, you don’t have a business.

Let’s face it, without clients, you are just running a time and money consuming hobby.

That’s certainly not what you want!

If you are not constantly serving and selling to new customers and clients, you have a dying business.

While it’s great to have existing clients, in order to keep growing and expanding, you need to be constantly attracting new people to your products and services.

The problem is you just aren’t getting clients coming to you.

You have an amazing product, a great sales page and you are on all the social media platforms out there, but you are still staring at a blank inbox and even worse, empty bank balance.

Why are other entrepreneurs so successful, but you seem stuck in a rut?

This is not about luck.

This is not about the ‘Law of Attraction’ and that the spiritual world favours them more than you.

There is nothing to stop you from being just as successful if you are willing to take the time and actions required to change your current situation.

You just need the knowledge and action steps that lead you from chasing clients to attracting them.

You need
The 5 Step Client Attraction Action Plan eBook.

The 5 Step Client Attraction Action Plan eBook

The 5 Step Client Attraction Action Plan presents 5 essential steps that you need to take to start attaining new clients.

This action plan provides you with insight and knowledge so that you can grow your business with strength and structure.

In this eBook you will discover:

  • Key steps that every successful business should know and implement
  • How to nurture your clients so they become your best marketing tool
  • How you may be chasing away your clients without being aware of it

No non-sense straight-talking advice!

Helps identify areas in your business that are working against you.

Short, focused read with actionable information.

I love Gillian's straight-shooting, non-nonsense approach to business and to attracting more clients!

Most of all, I loved the chapter on really KNOWING your ideal client - knowing them so well that a strong connection with them is inevitable.

It really made me pause and review for my own business - we're often so busy, go, go, go, that slowing and doing this important, foundational work doesn't happen often enough!

So THANK YOU Gillian for this super impactful and straight-to-the-point read! I'm excited to continue getting my message and mission out there confidently.

A must read!

Bec Mills - Digital Strategist

A Note From the Author

Having over 20 years of entrepreneurial and business experience, I have been in that place where I feel like I have done absolutely everything to attract clients, only to discover that they were few and far between.

I have had that feeling of desperation, particularly during times of recession and economic lows, wondering whether business will pick up as everything around me seemed to go quiet.

I have also had the opposite experience however, when, even through challenging times, I still had clients come to me.

What made the difference?

I used to have the thought that it was all down to fate or luck. That it was all written in the stars. I even followed the path of the ‘Law of Attraction’ and believed that clients would just arrive at my door (or inbox) naturally, without effort. I really believed this, after all, my business was perfectly designed and everything that should be in place, was in place.

Of course, this passive behaviour and self-assured attitude did not work.

Although I do believe in the natural laws and follow them myself, I soon discovered that there must be an element of action taking and humbling realisations about the current position of your business before you will begin to see the changes you desire.

In The 5 Step Client Attraction Action Plan eBook, I have set out those necessary actions in a clear, to the point, step-by-step format.

Taking these steps and following them fully and whole-heartedly will produce positive changes in your business and you will soon be attracting clients rather than chasing them in dreams.

It has worked for me. It can work for you.

Tracy Jones

The 5 Step Client Attraction Action Plan eBook is an excellent guide giving clear, achievable steps in working out what my clients actually need me to do in order to speak their language and to bring them into my business space.

In the past, I have felt the need to try to attract as many people into my business as possible, which makes it impossible to serve them well. In her book, Gillian has given me the clarity, knowledge and the confidence to go straight ahead in working out who my ideal clients are and to use the best strategies to attract them to my business and me, so that I can really start to serve them and grow my business. Win win!

Thank you Gillian for such a brilliant insight and for clear, actionable steps to enable me to do this.

Tracy Jones - Accountability and Mind Re-Set Consultant

Grab Your Copy Today

This action plan, packed with invaluable advice and information and written by an experienced entrepreneur, will help you break the soul destroying habit of chasing clients and instead create a path that will help attract clients to come to you.

This is a concise, easy to read and achievable 5 Step Client Attraction Plan.

Gillian Duncan shows you how to become clear on what you have to offer and how to gain clarity around your customers’ needs.

Actionable steps then lead you through the process of enabling customers to find you, how you nurture them and then build further sales offers.

This powerful book gives you 5 straightforward steps to attracting clients that you can implement today!

Claire Bellavia - Marketing & Communications Manager

More About the Author

Gillian is author, editor, podcast host and coach at Clarity Junction, an online platform that focuses on empowering female entrepreneurs by helping them find self-worth, clarity and direction in their life.

Gillian is also author of the best-selling book, 'Sleep: Cure Your Insomnia, Improve Your Health & Feel Better Now', which is a holistic approach to improving the quality of your sleep.

She is a BSc graduate in Biomedical Sciences, with a career background in Neuroscience and Psychology.

Gillian is also a qualified NLP Life Coach, Yoga and Meditation teacher with over 20 years of entrepreneurial and business experience.

She brings all this knowledge, along with a wealth of life-experience, to help her clients become unstuck and create more success in their life.

When she is not writing, podcasting or coaching, Gillian can be found playing her violin or piano, and studying for her next music exam along with her 2 teenage sons. Gillian also loves dogs, guinea pigs, Dr Who and the Avengers movies.


I would most certainly recommend this eBook!

It takes you on a complete journey to make sure that you attract the clients you need for your business.

I had to pause to answer the thought-provoking questions that Gillian included throughout this eBook.

For entrepreneurs who want the secret sauce to attracting clients, the nuggets revealed is just what you need.

A.D.A. - Business Coach
