Thank You for Signing Up!
Please follow the steps below to complete the process:
Step 1
check your email inbox
Go to the inbox of the email address you just used to sign up.
You will find an order confirmation email from 'SendOwl'.
Check you spam folder, just in case.
You will also receive an email from 'Clarity Junction' welcoming you to the Business Critique service.
Again, check you spam folder, if you don't receive it.
Step 2
Look out for upcoming emails
Depending on when you booked, you will receive a further email from Gillian at Clarity Junction within approximately 24 hours.
This email will include details on how to book your first web call with Gillian.
This is a direct email from Gillian, so if you booked over a weekend or holiday, you may wait a little longer to receive this.
Don't worry though, your booking is noted and Gillian will get in touch shortly.
Step 3
That's it!
You have taken a big step forward to improving and growing your business!
Gillian will be in touch soon and you can book that first appointment!
Remember to add 'Clarity Junction' to your list of safe senders, so that you don't miss out on any information updates.
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